I recently took a 5-day vacation in Maine with my Awesome Boyfriend, aka ABF. On our last night there, we both 'splurged' on the lobstah dinners (my second that week, as ABF treated me to a lobstah dinner on my birthday too--see photo to the right!) Lobster is one of the few things going DOWN in price these days--our three-course lobster dinners cost 25 dollars each!!
Since I WAS in Maine, after all, I felt I had to order the drink du jour: the blueberry mojito. Normally, I see no need to mess around with liquid perfection. This drink sounded delicious though, and I was delighted to find it tasted like a mojito, yet also had a strong blueberry flavor. Two thumbs way up!
We also got the standard lobster dinner--ABF had clam chowdah with his, and God love him, he was sweet enough to let me try a taste (or two!) It was pretty good, but still not the best (THAT was at a restaurant in Kittery, ME!). All this chowder, however, is giving me an increasing appreciation for good old cracked pepper. Yum. But this post isn't really about the savory stuff--let's skip right to dessert, though, shall we?
The restaurant (The Quarter-Deck) offered several options, but the last two piqued my interest. You could have blueberry ice cream, or you could have blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream. I wanted BOTH blueberry pie AND blueberry ice cream. My boyfriend is not the type to make special requests, but I am (when they are perfectly reasonable!!) I dared to ask the waiter if we could get blueberry ice cream WITH our blueberry pie...and he said yes, of course! I beamed gratefully and waited for the purply, wonderful treat to arrive.
And yea, verily, it was good.
Quarterdeck Restaurant
1 Main Street
Bar Harbor, ME 04609-1845
(207) 288-1161
It's normal to lick your computer monitor, right? Mmmmmm.
Damn... now I want blue berry ice cream, blue berry pie, and to go back to MAINE!!!
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