Here's another amazing time I had at The Modern, and this time I got to bring ABF! The awesome Belinda Chang had invited my friend Patty to a tasting, and I was going (along with Mel of Epi-Curiousity) as a guest. Well, the morning of the tasting, both Mel & Patty got the crud that was going around, and it was up to ABF & me to represent.
The evening was a showcasing of several wines from the Venica & Venica winery in Italy's Friuli region (hello, how much do you love saying that word? Friuuuuuuli!)...and it was on the Terrace. The Terrace! Granted, it was mid-October at this point, which could make for a very chilly night, but I figured it was worth the risk.
Not only was it an unseasonably warm night, but the setting was absolutely gorgeous. The terrace looks out on the fountains and outdoor seating behind the Modern, and it just couldn't have been a better fit for ABF's & my Finer Things Club! And what pairs better with wonderful wine than an array of cheeses, fruits, crackers, and spreads? Ah, the life. It is a good one.
Belinda was giving everyone a warm welcome as we stepped out onto the terrace. Servers quickly presented us with the 2008 "Jesera" Pinot Grigio. I instantly thought "I'm probably not going to be crazy about this," because I'm more of a red wine person. I took one sip and my eyes flew open in delicious shock. What?! Forget EVERYTHING BAD YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT BORING PINOT GRIGIOS. This one was truly a showstopper. Had this been the only wine I'd tasted all night, I would have gone home happy! Thankfully, there were more....
We also samped the 2008 "Ronco del Cero" Sauvignon and the 2008 "Ronco delle Mele" Sauvignon. These were light and delicious, but still in the shadow of that amazing Jesera. We also tried the 2006 Balbium.
The Balbium comes from grapes grown in the family's vineyard in the Southern Italy region of Calabria. It was juicy and bright, but again, no Jesera (and I always pick red over white--until this night)!!!
Then we stopped and picked up some sweet treats to nibble on as we hunted down our taxis. They had delicious gold-dusted chocolate lollipops and pecans, as well as
addicting chocolate-crackle-type munchies, and even
more cookies that looked great, though I was too full to even consider trying those.
Going to this event meant I only got about 4 hours of sleep before getting up for work the next day, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Thank you, Belinda, and thanks to the Venica Family for sharing the fabulous fruits of their labor!
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